Covid-19 Action Plan
This document outlines some of the rules/regulations we will have in place when we reopen to mitigate the risks caused by COVID-19.
Anyone who has Covid 19 or who has been in contact with a Covid 19 sufferer will not be permitted to attend the gym under any circumstances.
We will operate a class by class health surveillance questionnaire which is to be completed before the gymnast travels to the gym which the parent, guardian or gymnast will answer depending on the age of the participants.Anyone who does not send the questionnaire in good time prior to the class will not be able to attend.
We will take each gymnast's temperature on arrival, any gymnast who records a temperature over 37.8°C will not be permitted in the gym. We will use a no touch infrared thermometer to undertake this activity.
We will limit the numbers of persons coming into the gym to just participants.Parents will not be permitted in the gym for drop off or collection.
Classes will be separated by time allowing time for circulation spaces to clear, for the carpet to be hoovered between groups, and for high touch surfaces to be disinfected, preventing the 2m social distancing rule being breached.
All frequent touch fixtures will be disinfected between classes.
To limit the number of frequent touch items affected we will leave inner doors open. No one will touch the outer door except for the coach letting children in/out.
To avoid issues of modesty we will insist that all gymnasts arrive in their training kit so that they only have to remove their tracksuits. There will be no facilities/spaces provided for changing.
We will mark out 2m by 2m spaces on the carpet with velcro that gymnasts will work in to keep children spread out.
There will be a marked walkway around the carpet so gymnasts know which direction to walk in to use the toilet, and exit the building. There will be a one way system to enter the space with the first gymnast to arrive occupying the 2mx2
m space furthest from the door etc.
We will not start our classes for under 6s as they require assistance with toilet breaks etc and will find it harder to keep their distance.
Coaches will enforce social distancing at all times.
Coaches will not support any children with skills so the skills practiced will be limited. Children will only be touched by coaches in emergencies e.g.injuries. Minor injuries will be treated from a distance with instructions e.g providing plasters and ice and instructing gymnasts on how to use them. If a coach does need to get close to a gymnast to assist with an injury they will wear gloves, an apron and an FFP3 dust mask. These will then be disposed of in a COVID-19 secure way.
The virus lives in our airways and can be spread to them by touching our faces with our hands if they are contaminated with Covid 19. We will instruct our members in this factor and discourage them from touching their faces when training. If they do we will ask them to sanitise their hands.
Hand hygiene will be enforced. All persons entering the gym will have to sanitise their hands before entering the gym hall. We will introduce additional hand hygiene during the session. Gymnasts will have to sanitise their hands when changing equipment or moving onto another station or exercise. All gymnasts will also have to sanitise their hands on leaving the gym.
Equipment is to be sanitised between classes. No classes on the same day will use the same hand equipment. All squad gymnasts will have to bring their own apparatus to class and it will be kept in their dedicated space.
Carpet floors are to be vacuumed with a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner between classes.
Children will leave class one by one and using the one way system with the child closest to the door leaving first etc. etc. parents will wait away from the building outside in the car park until their child’s group of 3 or 4 is called and then can wait in a small, socially distanced line outside the building to collect them.
Upon hearing the fire alarm we will evacuate the building maintaining a 2m gap at all times as long as we cannot see fire or the products of combustion such as smoke, light or feel heat.
If fire or the products of combustion are seen or felt the building is simply to be evacuated as quickly as possible regardless of social distancing. The acute harm fire will cause outweighs the potential harm Covid 19 might do.
On exiting the gym if social distancing has been maintained during the evacuation it is to be maintained at the assembly point.
If social distancing has been compromised those who have been involved are to be segregated from those who were able to evacuate while observing social distancing.